Friday, June 14, 2013

An awesome experience

   I had one awesome experience the other day at Starbucks! I was second in line behind two State Police Officers from a different city. So, they both ordered, and got their drinks right there, and started to leave, (I had a big order... like 5 drinks or so), so I cut out of line, and gave them a million dollar bill tract, one of laughed and said  'wow!'
   Now this is a normal reaction from people... I mean... who goes up and gives people (not to mention Police Officers a million dollar bill?)
   The other one asked, 'What is it?'
   Now don't be afraid of people asking  you this question, it will give your faith a boost, and it will give you a chance to become bolder with Christ! Now never answer with this:
   "It's a million dollar bill."
   Or this:
   "It's for you."
   And definitely not this:
   "It's a small green piece of paper with George Washington on the front and letters on the back that say something and that you should read."
   Those are not good answers! I have answered with the first two once, but never have again.I answer with this now: "It's a tract, with a clear Gospel presentation on the back that you should read."
   They always accept it! It's an easy answer and people are usually content with it, do you know why? Because you are honest with them, you are bold and forthright, and that is what triggers the person! I think I would be impressed if I was an unsaved Police Officer eating at Steak n Shake and when I got done, and went to pay my bill, a stranger comes walking up to me and hands me something and when I asked what it is, they gave that answer, I would be impressed! Wouldn't you?
   Alright, back to the story, someone ended up taking my spot, and I was second again. [smile] Yeah, I need to work on that! Haha! Anyways....
   The cashier saw me give this to them, and looked suspicious [not] and so after I ordered, I gave him a tract, and laughed, and was like, 'Thanks!"
   I went to wait for my drinks, and the cashier was now talking to the person who was ordering! His words were, "hey, I got a big tip!"
   The guy turned to me, and asked, "Do you have any more of those?"
   "Yeah," I answered.
   The guy said he was joking, but still. He walked over to the counter to add some sugar to his coffee, and I pulled out a million dollar bill and handed it to him. He turned it over a glanced at the back, and read the first line or two, and breathed out an 'Ohhhh..." and then aloud he said 'thank you very much, where did you get these?"
My mind blanked, and I *dumbly*  answered with, "my favorite online store." (aka,
This whole encounter has strengthened me, and encouraged me.

   Don't get discouraged because people refuse tracts, people hate light and love darkness.

   I remember the 2nd person I witnessed to was at Dairy Queen, her name was Ashley and she was in her twenty's. I remember striking up a conversation with her, and just loved talking, I was not used to the situation, but I was loving it! I remember telling her that we were all desperately wicked, and deserved hell. She budded in and said, "No, I am not even bad, I am very good person."
I was quick to argue back with: "Romans 3:10 says that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God," and with God that means moral perfection, and we don't have that."
She responded with, "But nobody is perfect, so He shouldn't demand that much."
I was getting irritated, why was this girl arguing, and being so blank to this subject?  I responded with, "But He does demand that much because sin can't enter heaven, do you know what He did for guilty sinners so they wouldn't have to go to hell?"
"He died on the cross."
"He died on the cross for your sins-"
She cut me off, "hey, my workshift just ended, so I have to go."
"Alright," I pulled out a tract, and said this: "Read this when you get home."

The other day I was at Dairy Queen, and she waited on me and my sister, and my sister had helped me witness to her also, so when we ordering, I ordered a hot fudge sundae that was in a waffle cone, (Now the ice crea, is supposed to be piled way over the top of the waffle cone), and my sister ordered a medium hot fudge sundae with extra fudge.
We got our treats, and I have gotten a waffle cone with caramel stuck on the bottom of it in big blotches and it had milky ice cream that was spread flat right in the middle of the cone, and when my sister (Ashlyn) got hers, it was a small hot fudge sundae with bareky no hot fudge! It was a total rip-off, we ate it. But I got upset, we paid for the right food! Next time, I hope to get the RIGHT thing!

   But seriously, that was a learning experience, we probably have more coming! But I seriously don't care because it is for the glory of God!

Thanks for reading, -Olivia

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