Tuesday, August 27, 2013

An Execution to Evolution/Something to Think About

  First, I would like to introduce Ray Comforts new movie! Evolution vs. God! (evolutionvsGod.com) (raycomfort.com) and Livingwaters.com 
  Great movie! A LOT of people have watched it, and I loved it! one of the most telling parts in it is when Mr. Comfort asks the people he is interviewing this: 'if you saw your dog, and your rotten neighbor, drowning together, which would you save?' I am not lying when I say that every single one of them says the dog. I was astounded. 

  And then, to debunk evolution: 

Charles Darwin said this himself: 

'If my theory, would get world-wide, I would be in shock, to have people believe that is mind-blowing.' 

No, not perfect in words, but he did say that. and also this: 

'When you look at a human eye, and examine it, it is impossible to not believe that there is no God.' 

  These were not published in his book, because we were born, 'haters of God' and wanting to get rid of God completely in our society today, they refused to publish it. 
  I found a picture of Evolution and Creation on Pinterest the other day, and I laughed so hard. I can't describe it, but it was such proof that Evolution is not true, that I loved it! 
  Also, here is a few facts: 

If We Were To Lose 5 Seconds Of Oxygen:  

Every concrete corner of a building would collapse. 

If we were to gain 5 seconds of air: 

paper planes would fly twice as fast. 

  Go ahead and just look it up! because it is truly, indescribable. 

 And a word to atheist and evolutionist's: 
 Are you for certain evolution is true? no, 
you may think so, but you aren't. Go ahead and open up, I have. Listen to creationist give a sermon. And just completely open up, ready to accept any facts. 
  If an atheist died, and went to heaven to get judged, he has no escape from hell. none at all. 
  But if a Christian died and nothing happened, they have nothing to worry about. (we are all going to get judged, but this is an analogy.)  
  This is your eternal destiny, you are there FOREVER, non stop. I have this analogy I want to give. 
   Pretend that there is an endless rope, no end, whatsoever. On one tip, there is some red, think. The red is our life, the rest is our eternity, that NEVER ENDS. I worry about you all, I don't want to see you get sent to hell, I care about you. 
  We are all bad people, we have lied, stolen, blasphemed, looked with lust,dishonored our parents, and other things. 
  We all are going to go to hell, and what a terrible thought. 
  What we have to do is repent and trust God, and serve Him. It is so simple. 

This is worth thinking about. 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

I'm back to answer some questions!

I'm back to answer some questions, I got. I thought they would be fitting to discuss, so, here goes:


I'd like to react to your number two paragraph. 

Or, rather, I would like you to pretend you asked someone why they believed in the Kuran and they answered to you exactly what you answered.

Now do the same thing with the Tolkien book "The Lord of the Rings".

Do these imagined people seem logical and convincing to you?

I'm willing to bet they do not. Therefore, the arguments you give only work if you already believe in the truth of the holy book in question (or the fictional one). If it only convinces you if you already believe, then it cannot be the arguments that convince you in the first place, when you don't believe yet, can it?


Okay, so with the Kuran, if a non-muslim came by, this person was agnostic, lets say, and he say the Kuran, picked it up, and read it, cover to cover, it wouldn't make sense, would it? No, it wouldn't,  not one bit. Lets say that an agnostic came by, and picked up the Holy Bible, (KJV) and read it, cover to cover, it would make sense, because the Bible is that way. The salvation plan, can be planted in their mind, and they can get saved. Afterwards, when they read it, it will speak to them, and they will understand. The Kuran, cannot do that. 


On your paragraph 5, now.

Let's say the guy broke into your house, and he killed someone, and he got to court, and the judge let him go because the killer said "Mr the judge, I am very sorry I did it, and I happen to know and trust your son", would you be happy that the guy was let go? Yet this is exactly what Christianity preaches, with the exception that everybody is guilty.


No, the judge would not let him go free, because nobody payed his fine. Now lets say that that son of his, offered to go to jail in his place, or payed the price in his place, or died for him in his place, the judge would let him go free, because his fine was payed.
Now thats exactly what Jesus did on the cross, He blocked out our sin, and anyone who repents and trusts in Him, will have eternal life. 


On your paragraph 6

In my experience, people from every religion say the same thing. What proof do you offer that you are right and they are wrong?


Muhammad died, and is still dead, Allah died, and is still dead, every other religion, the god is dead. But Jesus died, and rose again, and defeated death! Thats how I know its true.

Have a great day, y'all.
Luke 15:10&1Corinthians4:10-14

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Sorry Y'all!

I have been quite busy... but starting, hopefully Wednesday or something, I'll hope right onto the new schedule! :) 
Have a great day and God bless.