I'd like to react to your number two paragraph.
Or, rather, I would like you to pretend you asked someone why they believed in the Kuran and they answered to you exactly what you answered.
Now do the same thing with the Tolkien book "The Lord of the Rings".
Do these imagined people seem logical and convincing to you?
I'm willing to bet they do not. Therefore, the arguments you give only work if you already believe in the truth of the holy book in question (or the fictional one). If it only convinces you if you already believe, then it cannot be the arguments that convince you in the first place, when you don't believe yet, can it?
Okay, so with the Kuran, if a non-muslim came by, this person was agnostic, lets say, and he say the Kuran, picked it up, and read it, cover to cover, it wouldn't make sense, would it? No, it wouldn't, not one bit. Lets say that an agnostic came by, and picked up the Holy Bible, (KJV) and read it, cover to cover, it would make sense, because the Bible is that way. The salvation plan, can be planted in their mind, and they can get saved. Afterwards, when they read it, it will speak to them, and they will understand. The Kuran, cannot do that.
On your paragraph 5, now.
Let's say the guy broke into your house, and he killed someone, and he got to court, and the judge let him go because the killer said "Mr the judge, I am very sorry I did it, and I happen to know and trust your son", would you be happy that the guy was let go? Yet this is exactly what Christianity preaches, with the exception that everybody is guilty.
No, the judge would not let him go free, because nobody payed his fine. Now lets say that that son of his, offered to go to jail in his place, or payed the price in his place, or died for him in his place, the judge would let him go free, because his fine was payed.
Now thats exactly what Jesus did on the cross, He blocked out our sin, and anyone who repents and trusts in Him, will have eternal life.
On your paragraph 6
In my experience, people from every religion say the same thing. What proof do you offer that you are right and they are wrong?
Muhammad died, and is still dead, Allah died, and is still dead, every other religion, the god is dead. But Jesus died, and rose again, and defeated death! Thats how I know its true.
Have a great day, y'all.
Luke 15:10&1Corinthians4:10-14
Okay, so in order :
ReplyDelete1)Your experiences of the Bible and mine differ. It made no more sense than the Kuran to me. Moreover, there are people who claimed to do this experience and are now muslims, because the Kuran made more sense to them.
2)Would you accept it if an innocent man offered to go to the electric chair in stead of the man who, say murdered your parents, while the actual murderer walked free? Would you feel that justice had been served?
If you think that, then you and I have very different notions of justice. At the very core of the notion of justice is that the guilty are the ones punished, not the innocents. We're not talking about a fine, whose goal is to put the money towards repairing the damage done by the guilty person, we're talking about going to "jail" and being tortured there forever.
That being said, I move to you that Christ has not, in fact, paid for the sins of anyone. According to your religion, the payment for one lifetime's worth of sin is an eternity in Hell. Jesus allegedly spent only three days between his death and going to heaven. He is supposed to be still in heaven. Even within the framework of your conception of "justice", Jesus did not pay the "fine" for even one sinner.
3)As I said elsewhere, there are other religions that claim their founders or significant figures have resurrected. Heracles, Mithra, and Osiris to name a few. And pretty much every religion claims miracles, even if they do not claim the exact miracle that is resurrection. Even Islam claims Mohammed went to heaven on a winged horse. Your religion has as much evidence for the miracle it claims as these other religions. From an objective point of view, they are not different from one another.
There have been more conversions to Christianity than to the muslim culture. It is whether they are saved or not, and they aren't.
ReplyDeleteYes, I would. And you would too. It is a natrual instint.
They are false prophets. there is no evidence.
In other words, you accept your own beliefs unquestioningly, and dismiss other beliefs who are based on the same evidence or the same kind of evidence as yours just as unquestioningly.
ReplyDeleteWhat you have just proven, Olivia, is that you are not a reasonable person. Don't take that as an insult, I am using the word in its most strict definition here: you do not base your decisions on reason.
As an atheist (theoretically the kind of person that you should try to convince), let me give you a little hint: as long as you use this approach, your "witnessing" will never convince any reasonable person of the existence of any God, let alone your God. You can count all your witnessing time as wasted.
You assert and assert what you believe, never putting yourself in the shoes of the person you are trying to convince (hint : there are a thousand theists from a thousand religions telling me that they have the right one and all others have false teachings. You'll have to actually demonstrate that for me to believe you), never offering justification for what you assert beyond more evidence-less assertions. That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
I have no doubt that when preaching to people who already believe in God, especially in the one you believe in, you will get pats on the back for doing so so young. But if your "arguments" only convince those who already believe in the same things you do, they are, in fact,useless, because they change neither minds nor hearts, which is supposed to be what they are for.
I really hope that in order to become a more effective witness, you actually research what we believe (if only in order to disprove it). I would suggest you also research logic and philosophy, so that you may actually discuss why you believe what you believe rather than just parrot the simplistic lines you were fed. You have the whole of Internet at your disposal. It is the greatest learning tool in the history of humanity. Use it. You obviously already read apologetics blogs. I would suggest you read also the sites of atheists, so that you can see how these apologetics are received - and why they do not work.
After all, if what you believe is the truth, then certainly it will be easy to find the flaws in the arguments we make, right?
Any reasonable person will see the evidence for God- creation.
ReplyDeleteI do it all the time! trust me!
I read Ray Comforts blog, and the comment section, it is enough to keep me satisfied for now, I can always think of an answer to their arguments.
Just another note, on your phrase "any reasonable person will see the evidence for God - creation"
DeleteFirst, this sentence is obviously false, otherwise there would be agreement on what that "evidence" points to, and there would not be so many different religions.
But there's another kind of wrongness to this sentence. By writing it, you actually give up on making the point you are trying to make. You are trying to paint the person you are discussing with as unreasonable, by assuming your point of view is the only reasonnable one, and not providing any evidence for that. You are saying, in effect, that you don't want to convince others of your point, only to talk to "reasonnable" people, that is people who already agree with you.
Once more, you will never convince anyone this way. Or, rather, the only thing you will convince them of is that you do not want to talk with them, only to talk at them. I don't blame you for that, because most adults fall into this trap when talking to kids, and you're probably not old enough to stop accepting that naturally coming from the adults who are in charge of your life (I really hope you come back at, say, 16 and read that again). Naturally, this is the mode of speech that you emulate.
It does not work on anyone but the kids related to you (or put in your care by their guardians).