Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Charles Dawrin stated he was wrong!

  I googled this, and got the whole story.  ( and here it is:

  It has been widely held among many sincere and well-meaning Christians that Charles Darwin on his deathbed not only renounced evolution, but also accepted Jesus Christ as his savior. The tale of this deathbed conversion has been passed down over the years as fact. This “event” has even been used as “evidence” that evolution is false. The overzealous have, at times, boldly proclaimed, “See—even Darwin knew that this theory was not true!” 

  Isn't that weird? Charles Darwin even admitted it. Here is one of Ray Comforts recent posts: 

“For the record, Ray believes what Romans 1:18 says that there are no such thing as atheists; all people actually believe in God, even atheists, but atheists act as if they don't because they don't want to submit to His authority. As an atheist myself, I disagree with this point of view. But Ray has expressed this point of view many times before.”

Every one of us has intuitive knowledge that God exists.  This is true, from the most ignorant and primitive tribal groups (such as university students) to the intelligent indigenous people of Africa.  

  I don't think there is such a thing as an atheist, we all know instinctively that God exists. There is absolutely no evidence that He doesn't.