Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Some hard questions to answer, and a discussion about 'The Sinner's Prayer'.

   Alright, God has blessed me with another day, and more breaths! And I hope he blesses you with time to read this post! 
   First off all some hard questions: 

1: If God forgives everything you do, why is there hell? 
2: How do you know the Bible is true?
3: When God refers to the trinity, is there three people, or all they all one?
4: Why couldn't of an angel died on the cross in place of Jesus? 
5: If God is all loving, why doesn't He let everyone into Heavn? 
6: Why did you stick with the religion you are now? 
7: I read the Bible once, and in Deuteronomy it said God hates, and in John it said He loves, what is up with that? 

Here's some good answers, you probably want to study for an answer for these questions if you are serious, but here are some: 

1: Isaiah 2:9, Romans 1:30, 2 Peter 2:4, Acts 2:27, Acts 26:18, Luke 1:37, Luke 5:21, Luke 12:4-5, Mark 3:29 Mark 2:7, Revelations 20:4.  When someone throws this question, don't duck, and shy away! It's a great question! Here's an answer: "Do you know what hypocrite is? It means pretender, some who pretends to do something, have something, or be something that they aren't. When a person pretends to be a believer, and are faking it they are going to hell. There are false conversions, and that is dangerous. They don't mean what they say (Side note here, Later in this post, I will be discussing the sinner's prayer) And they are the ones going to hell, because God did not forgive their sins, and also, if you just ask God to forgive your sins, it is a false conversion, because you have to repent and trust God." 

2: I choose to believe the bible becayse it is a reliable collection of historical documents written by eye witnesses during the lifeime of other eye witnesses. They report supernatural events that took place in fulfillment to specific prophesies, and claim that the writing is divine rather than human in origin. (Answer taken from Voddie Bauchem's sermon on 'Why I believe the Bible is True" 
Or for an easier answer answer, which will stunt the person (I have seen someone try it) is this: "Well, in order for you to know that, you would have to know everything, and none of us do," and if they backfire, give them the answer above. 

3: When God does refer to the Trinity, they are not three separate people, they are three separate people in one spirit, and that is the same. 

4: Because that would not be fulfilling Gods plan, Angels were not made in the image of God, Jesus was. 

5: Alright, putting up a scenario here: Let's pretend someone broke into your home, and killed someone, and they go to court, and the judge just lets them go, because they say they will never do that again. would you want him walking around town? (Their answer typically will be 'no', if they say yes, question that, and if they say 'because they aren't going to do it again' you can say they are lying) Well, God is the same way as that judge, he won't let liars, thieves, blasphemers of His name, people who commit adultry, people who kill (whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer) into heaven, your case has to be cleared! 

6: This might be one of the hardest questions to answer, but don't ever say, 'Because I tried it and it worked for me' give an answer such as: "Because this is the true religion, and God has called me to it." 

7: Well in Deuteronomy, God said he hates pillars, and he hates sin, but in John 3:16, he says that He loved this sinful world so much, that He gave his son, just a little studying, and it all flows. 

________________________________________________________________________________________The Sinner's Prayer
We all know the sinners prayer right? But do we all know that it signify's false conversion? When a person prays that prayer, (alright, some people do pray it sincerely) they tend to think that they prayed that prayer, they can go on with life, and everything is normal, and nothing has chamged, except they can go to heaven now. They don't evangelize, they don't draw nigh to God, they don't pray, they just live their life, whatever lifestyle that might be, and think that in the end, they are going to end up in heaven! Here's a sample of The Sinners Prayer: 

Dear God, 
I know I have sinned and I fall short of you your glory, but I want to give you my life to dedicate it to you, and to give you charge over it, take my life, I repent of my sins, and out my faith in you, thank you for dying for me, I accept you into my heart. Amen.

Thats officially The Sinner's Prayer! I have several contridictions to this 'prayer' 
First of all, where in the world does the bible say that you have to 'accept Jesus into your heart'? Nowhere, if you really think that there is a place in the Bible that says that, go ahead and comment. Lets not use the verse, 'Behold, I stand at the door and knock.' What door? It could be your house door, or your car door, does it ever say your heart? 
And secondly, where in the bible do they use sinners prayers? When the rich young ruler ran up to Jesus and fell at His feet, and said "Good Master, what must I do to be saved?" notice, 3 things. Jesus corrected the man saying, "Why do you call me good, for there is none good but God." Notice another thing, Jesus didn't just tell him how, he pointed out the mans sin, using a mirror, that is forgotten, and also, he convicted the man. "You know the law, do not steal, commit adultry, blaspheme, murder, steal, keep the Sabbath day holy (etc)" And the man replied, "I have kept all these since my youth." Then Jesus said, "Go sell all your riches, and thou shalt have riches in heaven." And it goes on to say, the man went away, sad. 
Notice that he used the law to convict him in his true state, of selfrighteousness, and miserey, and also, thirdly, Jesus didn't lead him in a sinners prayer! Jesus didn't lead him in this: 

Dear God, 
I know I have sinned and I fall short of you your glory, but I want to give you my life to dedicate it to you, and to give you charge over it, take my life, I repent of my sins, and out my faith in you, thank you for dying for me, I accept you into my heart. Amen.

And also, on the cross next Jesus, the man said, 'Remember me when you enter into your kingdom.' Jesus answered, "Today, you shall be with me in paradise." No sinners prayer. 

Have any contradictions? Comment or email me at luke15.10ministry@gmail.com 

Verse of the post: 1 Corinthians 4:10-14 

God bless! 


  1. I'd like to react to your number two paragraph.

    Or, rather, I would like you to pretend you asked someone why they believed in the Kuran and they answered to you exactly what you answered.

    Now do the same thing with the Tolkien book "The Lord of the Rings".

    Do these imagined people seem logical and convincing to you?

    I'm willing to bet they do not. Therefore, the arguments you give only work if you already believe in the truth of the holy book in question (or the fictional one). If it only convinces you if you already believe, then it cannot be the arguments that convince you in the first place, when you don't believe yet, can it?

  2. On your paragraph 5, now.

    Let's say the guy broke into your house, and he killed someone, and he got to court, and the judge let him go because the killer said "Mr the judge, I am very sorry I did it, and I happen to know and trust your son", would you be happy that the guy was let go? Yet this is exactly what Christianity preaches, with the exception that everybody is guilty.

  3. On your paragraph 6

    In my experience, people from every religion say the same thing. What proof do you offer that you are right and they are wrong?


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1: All comments will be moderated.
2: There must be a respectful spelling of God's name, (with a capitol G)
3: There will be no cussing.

Please understand this before you comment. Thanks, and have a great day!